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Friday, May 25, 2012


Lately the munchkin has become somewhat obsessed with dreams. Every morning she tells me about her dream from the night before and asks me what I dreamed (I usually don't remember mine, though). Before bed, we talk about what she thinks she's going to dream about that night. She has a pretty wild imagination, which I love.

A few weeks ago, she carried around "baby Spongebob." She picked him up off of a cloud in a dream and carried him with her into the waking world. He was invisible, and small enough to fit in her hand. He rode in her pocket and slept on her bed, and she fed him bottles and changed his diaper.

There have also been several occasions where she has insisted that something completely outlandish actually happened; it seems as though her dreams are so vivid that she sometimes has a hard time differentiating between them and waking life. Honestly, I'm kinda jealous.

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