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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Man, I can't believe I haven't updated this in over a month. Not that Mommy's Little Monster hasn't been performing blog-worthy antics, I've just been a slacker. However, I have an awesome story to share.

Lately, Evelyn has been minorly obssessed with growing up and all that that entails. We have the "enjoy being a kid" discussion at least a few times a week (keep in mind that she will be 5 in May). There are only so many ways I can say, "I felt the same way at your age, pleasepleaseplease appreciate the benefit of my perspective." I hate saying "you'll understand when you're older," and I do my best to not say it. What I try to do instead is to make my adult responsibilities sound as boring as humanly possible and cast a fun, magical light on the joys of childhood.

I guess I'm not so much setting up the story as giving basic background information here. Let me just skip to the good part.

Last night, my precocious preschooler was telling me that she didn't want to grow up because she didn't want to have her period (yes, she knows what that is, and yes, we have many discussions about the basic functions of the human body. No, we have *not* had "The Talk"). While attempting to walk the line between body-acceptance and childhood-appreciation, I told her, "there are a lot of parts about being a grownup that are no fun, but you just have to accept them and move on."

~*The best part*~

Her reply: "But you're a fun grownup!"

I wish I'd had some kind of audio recorder handy. Not just so I could hear my child tell me I'm fun over and over, but also so I could play it back for her every time she says, "you're a mean mommy!"

It's all about appreciating the little things, right?