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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Baby's First F-Bomb

My four year old just screamed the "F" word. Yeah, the four-letter one that rhymes with "duck."

She likes to experiment with sounds, start words with different letters, and basically just play with language. Today she's been coming up with words that rhyme with "Lucky" (one of our cats). Just a few minutes ago, I hear something along the lines of: "Lucky, pucky, ducky, mucky...luck, suck, nuck...FUCK" (yeah, she kinda yelled it).

I don't want to make a big deal out of it; I don't want it to become something she does to push my buttons (she's really good at that). I also don't want her dropping F-bombs. So I told her that when that sound starts with an "F," it makes a word that's not nice and I don't want to hear her say it again. Fingers crossed that that's it and I don't hear it again until after she hits puberty and decides she hates me.

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